

Welcome to Triumph!

Triumph is a mobile application, designed to make people more active through sport competitions. Users are able to select what sports they play and are able to find different competitors in chosen sport. Users can then match with them and organise a date and time to challenge them in that sport. When we hold back our healthy and natural competitive feelings, we strengthen the negative parts of those feelings. That is why we focused on competing with others as users can have a healthy way to express competition.

Project Goals


Encourages users to be more active and healthy by playing different sports.

Mental Health

Helps reduce stress and anxiety by being more active through competing sports.


Being more social by meeting new people and making new friends.

Key Features:

Find Competitors

The main feature in Triumph is for allowing competitors to find other competitors. This is done by flicking through each competitor and reading their description and seeing what other sports they are interested in. By pressing the tick, users can choose to save that competitor, by clicking the cross, users skip that competitor.

Message Competitors

Users are able to communicate with their saved competitors by selecting which category they want, then selecting which competitor to message. By seperating the messages by sport category, allows for users to easily choose which sport they might want to compete in that week and can message competitors accordingly


Users are able to select from a list of different sports. They can choose which sport they want to start finding competitors in and then start searching! They are also able to filter their messages through which sport category they like. Not all sports are intense fitness related so if users want to chill out to some bowling or golf, they are able to.

Research Methods

Case Studies



User Flow Diagram


User Interviews/Testing

Research Methods

1 . Do you play any competitive or casual sports?

2 . Do you struggle finding people to do sports with?

3 . What makes you motivated to do sport?

4 . Would you rather 1v1 or team sports?

5 . What are the steps to make yourself fit and healthy?

Research Findings


From the research, we found that people have played or are playing different sports. Sports like boxing, volleyball, basketball and badminton have some popularity amongst users. Swimming seemed to be the least popular sport accross all genders.

Struggles Finding People

Some of our users played regularly with friends while other users struggled to find people to play with. People they knew were either busy or it was hard to find people who want to do the same sport. This would limit them seeking out others to play sports.


Some users found people around them influenced them a lot to compete in sports or stay healthy. Additionally others would be motivated if they could fit it in their schedule or if they saw social media influencers post about it on facebook or instagram. Another user plays sport as a procrastination if they have a sudden burst for it.

Being Healthy

Users found they had to research different websites and articles to be more healthy and consistent. Users also tried to keep active by playing sports to keep up their fitness. They also tried to drink lots of water and learning about different health recipes.

View Case Study

A full case study breakdown of the Triumph
Application and the working prototype.


This project was to help people become more active and fit by competing against others in a sport of their choice. This would in return benefit their physical and mental health. Therefore, the solution was designed with a user-focused approach, utilising a mobile applications that allows competitors to compete with other competitors. This was designed for users to have an engaging and intuitive experience when using the application.

While we have addressed the issue of health and fitness, further improvements can be made to further satisify the users. There can be further aesthetic improvements and implementing more features such as trainers and coaches offering coaching sessions or the option to create teams.

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